Friday, October 19, 2012

Stay Classy, Grand Ole Push 'em Around Party

Today in keeping it classy news, have you guys seen this article? To summarize, conservative donors are pulling funding from a SOUP KITCHEN FOR THE HUNGRY AND HOMELESS and anonymous callers and internet-users are harassing its director as punishment for revealing that Paul Ryan barreled his way into this facility for this fake photo opportunity:

With the recent exodus of moderate Republicans and the notion of "compassionate conservatism" basically in its death throes at this point thanks to the rise of Ayn Rand-ian ruthless self-interest-as-virtue, can you guess the new face of the Republican party? Yep. That's right. A BULLY. Bullying people who give back to their communities and the vulnerable populations they serve. Check. Bullying coal miners to miss a day's work without pay to attend a "mandatory" high profile Romney/Ryan rally. Check. Bullying your own employees, as have the billionaire Koch brothers (you know, the guys who bankrolled the "grassroots movement" Tea Party), to vote Republican next month or "face consequences." Check. And finally, bullying freaking SINGLE MOMS during the prime-time debates. (Of ALL the people you could choose from to pick on? Really? You, Romney, who just stated your passionately flip-flopped anti-choice platform, decide to pick on women who chose to have and be there for their kids, even if they knew the kid's other parent wasn't going to be around and that they'd have to do the hardest job in the world alone?! REALLY?!)

Friends, family and readers who support the GOP and/or the Romney-Ryan ticket, for the love of whatever god or creed you hold to, please hold your party representatives accountable for this sort of behavior. Please let them know that you will not stand for it. That you expect better of them. That those who claim to be patriots as they stand with one booted foot on the neck of their fellow Americans are anything but. They won't listen to those of us they know aren't voting for them. But even with loyal Republican party operatives like this guy doing his part to throw the election by dumping Virginia state new voter registration forms in the trash, I imagine party leaders will damn well listen to you if enough of you speak up.

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